Cost Engineer

The Cost Engineer will be responsible for ensuring that the project is completed within budget. The engineer will work closely with the project team to ensure that costs are accurately estimated, tracked, and reported.

The Cost Engineer will be responsible for ensuring that the project is completed within budget. The engineer will work closely with the project team to ensure that costs are accurately estimated, tracked, and reported.

The main tasks of the Cost Engineer include:

  • Developing and maintaining cost estimates for the project.
  • Tracking project costs and ensuring that they remain within budget.
  • Identifying and analyzing cost variances and developing strategies to address them.
  • Preparing regular reports on project costs and variances for the project team and senior management.
  • Collaborating with the project team to identify opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  • Ensuring that all project costs are accurately recorded and reported.
  • Mining & Metal sector knowledge
  • EPCM and PMC interface experience
  • Experience in large scale project mode
  • Een boeiende job met de nodige verantwoordelijkheid
  • Persoonlijke opvolging in je professionele bezigheden
  • De mogelijkheid om verder te groeien in je vakgebied
  • Een correct salaris aangevuld met extralegale voorwaarden (freelancers komen ook in aanmerking)
  • De kans om deel te nemen aan spraakmakende projecten


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